Kategori: Skog

Du missar väl inte vår temadag?

Varje år produceras det 350 miljoner skogsplantor i Sverige. Merparten av dessa kommer från ett förädlat frö. Ska vi nå målet att ha väl växande skogar där den biologiska och genetiska mångfalden är tryggad krävs det att vi säkrar kompetensförsörjningen....

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Skog viktig för en fossilfri framtid

Felby var en av talarna på NordGens skogskonferens ”Innovation and forest regeneration” i Silkeborg, Danmark den 19-20:e september 2017. – Teknikerna för att ersätta fossilbaserade kolprodukter finns redan men förnyelsebara kolbaserade produkter är fortfarande dyrare än sina fossila motsvarigheter, sa...

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Räddningsaktion för tallen i söder

Det alternativ som många väljer, att odla gran även på tallmarker, kan se bra ut till en början men leder ofta till sämre tillväxt och olika skador på granen då den blivit äldre.  Här vill vi visa upp två initiativ...

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Innovation and forest regeneration

NordGen Forest and Nordic Forest Research (SNS) in collaboration with Danish Nurseries and the Danish Nature Agency: Please join us for a Nordic conference on Innovation and forest regeneration. More info about the program and registration Deadline for registration: 15...

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Forest seed and plants in the green shift

The quality of seed and plants planted today is decisive for the wood quality of the forest in 70-100 years. Pål Vidar Sollie from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food opened the meeting, with pointing to the importance of forests...

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Tree species mixing can increase stand productivity

Here, we give a brief overview of the current knowledge of tree species mixing effects on growth at the stand, species, and tree level. Main causes of the tree species mixing effects Overyielding of mixed versus mono-specific stands results mainly...

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What’s natural?

The study of past landscapes and ecosystems is known as paleoecology, which is closely related to geology, biology and botany, as well as history and archaeology. The unique benefit of paleoecology as compared to neo-ecology is the time perspective, as...

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Establishment of high-productive mixtures

With increased awareness of wood production for bioenergy, high-productive mixed stands become more relevant for forestry where high growth rate, high carbon sequestration and resilience are combined with other important goals. For example, two-storied mixed plantations combining late successional and...

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Mixed forests at the scene

– Mixed-species forests can fulfil many forest functions and services better than mono-specific stands and receive growing attention in forest science and practice. Hans Pretzsch, professor at the Technical University of Munich has his expertise in silviculture and has worked...

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Nordic cooperation on subalpine fir

One aim of the Ph.D project is to gather the overall existing information on the differences between and within the different provenances of subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) with regards to mortality, growth, tree properties, resistance to aphids and fungi, post-harvest...

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