NordGen's Executive Director Wins Prize as Best Company Leader
During a great award dinner last night, Lise Lykke Steffensen was appointed "Company Leader of the year" by the Danish Project Management Organization
Dansk Projektledelse.
Lise Lykke Steffensen started working as Executive Director at NordGen in 2016. Since then, she has embarked a journey aiming to modernize and streamline the enormous task and responsibility NordGen has, to conserve and facilitate the use of genetic resources in the Nordic countries.
"I am very thankful and happy for this appointment. It is an honor only to be nominated. I believe this is proof that NordGen is heading in the right direction. To reach our destination it's important that the entire staff is on board, and at NordGen we are", Lise Lykke Steffensen says.
Content Board
The news of the recognition reached the NordGen Board during their meeting in Finland. Chair Geri Dalholt is content with the award.
"We are happy and proud of this award. It creates attention for the important work NordGen is pursuing and shows that the work done this far by Lise Lykke is successful. Now, we are looking forward to continuing along this path", he says.
Strong results
Steffensen's appointment as "Company Leader of the Year" was motivated by "her ability to set clear strategic goals and show strong results for NordGen. Further, the motivation mentioned "her ability to have all the co-workers working in the same direction with a common understanding towards a common goal for the organization".