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The Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources identifies conservation of animal genetic resources as a “Strategic Priority Area”. Farm animal gene banks are important sources of genetic variation to ensure breeds’ long term survival and preservation of rare genotypes.

Yet, their collections need to be better documented and progress in reproductive biotechnologies is needed to improve feasibility of gene banking.

The challenge for animal gene banks towards the future will be to raise global awareness of the value of their collections for research and breeding and to further strengthen, implement and optimize the ex situ conservation strategies.

Aim of the project

The aim of IMAGE is to enhance the use of genetic collections and to upgrade animal gene bank management. IMAGE partners are developing a renewed strategy for animal gene banks, taking advantage of genomic methodologies, biotechnologies, and bioinformatics for a better knowledge and exploitation of animal genetic resources.

”IMAGE – Innovative Management of Animal Genetic Resources” (acronym IMAGE) is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme of the European Union.

For more information, please visit the project website.

Logo for the EU-project IMAGE