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In just one month, on the last of May, the seed sale at NordGen's webshop closes for this year. If you haven't already placed your order there are still many exciting Nordic plants to choose from.

NordGen's annual seed sale is often a very popular event. Already during the first night we can receive close to a hundred orders by hobby gardeners interested in historical plants. Since we're not a usual seed company, and the webshop is merely a side project and not our main task, it happens that we sometimes run out of seeds. But at this stage, there are still many seeds to choose from. "Some have sold out but we've also refilled with new varieties so it's a good idea to go in again and see if there are any interesting news for you. Beans, peas and flowers are usually the most popular and  the very most popular order was the snapdragon "Fröjel". But also minitubers of potatoes have been ordered a lot. In all, I think we've sent about 4 300 seed samples", Merete Madslund, Responsible for the Webshop, said. When the webshop closes this time, we will work with an update of the interface, making the shop easier to navigate and order from when it re-opens on the 1st of March 2021

Important help

For NordGen it is evident that we should offer this service to interested growers in the Nordic countries. Beacuse the best way to preserve genetic resources is to make sure that they're used. "We at NordGen would like to send our best wishes to those ordering seeds from us. By growing our seeds and potatoes, these gardeners help conserving the Nordic cultivated inheritance and also makes a great effort for increasing the biodiversity", Jette Nydam Hansen, Genebank Curator at NordGen, said.

Visit the webshop by clicking this link