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In the current project period 2024 – 2026, four projects have received funding from the Nordic Public-Private Partnership for pre-breeding. Below you will find a short summary of the projects and a list of the participating partners.

For more information and contact information to the project leaders, please contact NordGen at

1) BERRIES – Development of germplasm for berry crops

Plockade jordgubbar i en pappersask.

This new project has the main aim to develop the germplasm of strawberry and raspberry available for Nordic and Baltic breeding. In strawberry the aim is to enrich the gene pool for breeding through introduction of novel genes from the origin species of modern strawberry. In raspberry the project will explore and exploit the diversity in national raspberry cultivar collections in the Nordic-Baltic countries.


Njøs Fruit and Berry Centre AS (NO)

Graminor AS (NO)

Natural Resources Institute Finland, Luke (FI)

Estonian University of Life Sciences (EE)

Institute of Horticulture (LV)

The Programme for Diversity of Cultivated Plants /SLU (SE)

University of Copenhagen (DK)

The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, NIBIO (NO)

2) RobOat – Robustness of Oats for the Nordic Region

Oat field

RobOat is also a new project with the main aim to develop the resistance of future oats against biotic (especially crown rust and semi-loose smut) and abiotic (drought and waterlogging) stress factors. The partners will study the less explored oat genetic resources from NordGen and other collections by combining diverse phenotyping, genotyping and genomic methodologies.


Agrologica (DK)

Boreal Plant Breeding Ltd (FI)

Graminor AS (NO)

Lantmännen (SE)

Agricultural University of Iceland (IS)

Natural Resources Institute Finland, Luke (FI)

Lund University (SE)

Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU (NO)

NordGen (the Nordic countries)

Nordic Seed A/S (DK)

Oatly (SE)

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU (SE)

3) CResWheat – Pre-breeding for Nordic climate-resilient spring wheat II

A field of green wheat plants
Spring wheat, photo: Therése Bengtsson (SLU).

This project, a continuation from the previous project period, has the main objective to support the breeding of climate-resilient spring wheat by identifying genetic resources for disease resistance, drought tolerance and important adaptive traits for the Nordic region, as well as conducting genetic studies and providing breeders with germplasm and markers.


Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU (SE)

NordGen (the Nordic countries)

Nordic Seed A/S (DK)

Boreal Plant Breeding Ltd (FI)

Sejet Planteforædling I/S (DK)

Natural Resources Institute Finland, Luke (FI)

Lantmännen (SE)

Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU (NO)

Aarhus University (DK)

Graminor AS (NO)

Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge, METK (EE)

4) SustainPotato – PPP Collaboration to Advance Nordic Potato Variety Development With Enhanced Resistance to Diseases by Pre-breeding Phase II

Several different varieties of potatoes with different colors.

In the second phase of the SustainPotato project, the focus remains steadfast on advancing the development and utilization of genetic resources, alongside the deployment of cutting-edge molecular and phenomic tools. The primary objective remains clear: enhance disease resistance in potato breeding across the Nordic region, with a particular emphasis on combatting the formidable late blight disease.


Graminor AS (NO)

Danespo (DK)

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU (SE)


NordGen (the Nordic countries)

Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge, METK (EE)