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    • The Nordic genebank and knowledge center for genetic resources.

      We safeguard the Nordic genetic resources and facilitate the sustainable use for agriculture, horticulture and forestry, for current and future generations.

      Read more about NordGen
    • Svalbard Global Seed Vault

      NordGen is responsible for the contact with genebanks worldwide interested in depositing duplicates of their seed collections to Svalbard Global Seed Vault. We also handle all the seeds that are sent here for safekeeping.

      Read more about about the Seed Vault
    • Don't miss the Nordic conference on genetic resources

      11 December, Malmö


Forest regeneration in the north focal point at the annual NordGen Forest Conference in Rovaniemi

Close to 60 people participated during NordGen Forest Conference 2024 that took place in Rovaniemi, Finland, 18 to 19 September.

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| Plants

Possible future CWR reserves? Inventories in Denmark and Åland show areas rich in valuable genetic resources

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| Farm animals

NordGen releases detailed report on the status of equine breeds in the Nordic countries

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| Plants, Farm animals, Forest

NordGen’s role for resilience raised at Nordic ministers meeting

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Close-up on carrots with children in the background

Our projects

NordGen participate in several different projects focusing on genetic resources in the Nordic region. Our project partners can be found throughout the Nordics and Baltics but also in the rest of the world.

Visit our project site