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Genetic aspects in production and use of forest seeds and plants – highlights for the Nordic audience

Forest ecosystems and their contribution towards climate change mitigation are becoming increasingly important, as they represent critical components of the global carbon cycle. The genetic makeup of Forest Reproductive Material (FRM) – forest seeds and plants – is directly affected by the decisions made by various actors involved in the production chain. These decisions, which may ignore the genetic perspectives, have a major impact on the survival of future forests.

Forests remain resilient in the face of disturbances. However, the unprecedented speed and amplitude of novel stressors like climate change may seriously threaten forest health and growth.

Therefore, appropriate management options to mitigate those threats need to be adopted. Production, trade and use of genetically and adaptively appropriate FRM is critical for the future of forests and the goods and services that they produce.

EUFORGEN (European Forest Genetic Resources Programme), the European cooperation on conservation and sustainable use of forest genetic resources, has released an in-depth report on different genetic aspects which one should be aware of linked to production and use of FRM. The main target groups for the report are nurseries and seed producers, forest managers and policy makers all over Europe.

In this article series, NordGen Forest and partners highlight some of the recommendations in the EUFORGEN report, how these relate to Nordic strategies and practices today and how they promote resilient and adapted forests for tomorrow. Read the articles in the links below.

1. Nordic perspective on balancing increased production and genetic diversity in the production of forest reproductive material

2. Traceability of genetic origin across the Nordic forests – why and what to track?

3. Regenerating the forest – to plant or not to plant?

4. More broadleaved tree species for the Nordic countries – a call out for a common effort.

5. Clonal forestry in Nordic countries?