Nordic Agriculture and Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation

Climate change has already resulted in challenges for Nordic agriculture and the difficulties will continue to increase in the future. It is therefore important to act now to adapt our agriculture to future conditions, especially since the development of new crop varieties takes a long time (8-15 years).

In this report, based on a workshop with the leading researchers and plant breeders in the Nordic region, nine specific recommendations are listed. The recommendations have the main goal to support future food security in the Nordic countries by facilitating the development of new crop varieties adapted to our future needs. Special attention is given to the challenge of adaptation to climate change and high-quality food and feed production.

Subjects: Lantbruksvetenskap och veterinärmedicin, Lantbruksvetenskap, skogsbruk och fiske, Jordbruksvetenskap, Annan lantbruksvetenskap, Miljö- och naturvårdsvetenskap, Naturvetenskap, Geovetenskap och miljövetenskap, Klimatforskning, Jordbruk, Klimat, Genetiska resurser, Nordic Climate solutions, Hållbar utveckling

Publication facts

Publication date: 2019 maj 08